Gemstones of Quebec
Hessonite Garnet from the Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec |
Quebec has been blessed with a diverse and colourful array of gemstones. Mont Saint-Hilaire is host to at least 30 rare and unusual gemstone species, some of which are found nowhere else on earth. A suite of gems occur in the asbestos mines at Asbestos and Black Lake, including grossular garnet in a wide range of colours and the most valuable of all garnets, demantoid. Coloured tourmaline, apatite, hessonite, diopside, vesuvianite and colourless garnet are found in the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Grenville geologic province. Many other gemstones are known. With diversity like this who needs Brazil!
Unless otherwise noted, this list only includes localities that have produced faceted gems or crystals that could be cut into gems.
List of Gemstone Occurrences in Quebec
(Mines and significant occurrences are marked in bold)
- Almandine Garnet
- "Dark Red" - Shawinigan
- "Dark Red" - Lac du pied sed Monts
- Andradite Garnet
- a) Demantoid "green, yellowish green, bluish green" - LAB Mine, Black Lake
b) "grayish green" - LAB Mine, Black Lake
- Grossular Garnet
- a) Hessonite "orange, brownish orange" - Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos
b) Tsavorite "green, yellowish green" - Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos c) "colourless, light pink, pale green, light yellow" - Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos d) "green/light orange bull's eye, tsavorite/hessonite bicolour" - Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos
- Hessonite "orange, brownish orange" - Lab Mine, Black Lake
- Hessonite "dark orange" - Val David
- "colourless, pale yellow" - McBride occurrence, St-Pierre-de-Wakefield
- "smoky" - Buckingham
- "colourless" - Lawrenceville
- "smoky" - Mont Saint-Hilaire
- Citrine "medium yellow" - Lac Sairs
- "light smoky" - LAB Mine, Black Lake
- a) "blue, green, blue-green" - Leduc Mine, St-Pierre-de-Wakefield
b) Indicolite "blue variety" - Leduc Mine, St-Pierre-de-Wakefield
Specializing in Canadian Gemstones
Ph; (613) 549-3728
E-mail; brad@alpinegems.ca